A loan helped to begin construction on her concrete home, and to buy construction materials: sand, cement, rebar, metal roofing, nails and wood.

Albertina Isabel's story

Albertina Isabel is a happy woman. She is of Miskita ethnicity, from the city of Bilwi, in the municipality of Puerto Cabezas. She is 31 years old and married.

She has 7 years experience as a nurse. Her husband works informally as a mechanic.

With the first loan granted by Pana Pana and financed by KIVA, she was able to change the wood in her mother’s home.

With the goal of reducing overcrowding and of having a decent home, she is seeking a second loan to begin construction on her concrete home, to buy construction materials: sand, cement, rebar, metal roofing, nails and wood. She and her husband dream of having a pretty and secure home.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher.

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