A loan helped to expand its production and collection capabilities to continue to support the more than 1,500 small farmers in the Andes mountains.

Inka Moss's story

Inka Moss trains and supports small farmer suppliers in remote Andean communities to process sphagnum moss, an organic product that is highly demanded by international orchid growers for its moisture retention and disease resistance effects. For a video of how Inka Moss' works impacts Andean community, its partners and details about sphagnum moss' properties and uses watch this video.

Inka Moss is looking for a loan to expand their production and collection capabilities in 15 communities in the Central Sierra region of Junin. With the loan the company plans to install seven drying beds, improve management of the land, cover the costs of needed licenses, and ensure the quality of the moss continues to meet high export standards.

Inka Moss is the only company in Peru that involves remote communities in its supply chain in the collection and processing of the moss. Inka Moss buys the moss from the communities and sells it on the international market. To date, it has provided a dignified and sustainable income to more than 1,500 small farmers from 15 communities that were extremely poor. Inka Moss has also developed partnerships with the local forestry authorities and pays for a license to operate with a site management plan that takes into account ecological sustainability and land regeneration needs.

To help the local producers improve the quality of their moss, Inka Moss developed an innovative on site drying bed that allows them to produce drier moss and reduce waste collection. Inka Moss received support to pilot test this new drying bed in two communities from NESsT, an organization that since 1997, has invested financing and business expertise to develop social enterprises that bring innovative solutions to alleviate poverty in emerging market countries. With these new beds, the farmers increased their yield by 15% and helped improve their production efficiency.

Your support of this loan will help Inka Moss expand its reach and provide people in these remote Andean communities with a way out of poverty through a dignified and reliable source of income. Over the next five years, the company expects to reach 45,000 people in 30 communities in the high Andes.

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