A loan helped to pay for one year tuition fees and living expenses at the Maharishi Institute.

Teboho's story

Teboho is a Business Management Student at the Maharishi Institute and was asked the following questions by a staff member of the Institute: This is his story:
1. What do you study at the Maharishi Institute? Which classes do you enjoy the most?
I am studying Bachelor of Art in business Administration (BBA Degree). I enjoy Economics, business law and ethics, Sustainable living at most times and Marketing as well.

2. What are your goals after graduating from the Maharishi Institute? Please be specific: in which sector do you expect to work? In which city would you like to work? Would you like to travel?
My goals after graduating from MI are to be exposed in the corporate environment, working at Marketing and Advertising sector/department. I preferably like to work at Cape Town. In terms of travelling it will depend on how far I am from work place, but yes I do like to travel.

3. Tell us about your background. Where were you born? Do you have brothers and sisters? What do your parents do for work? Are you married; do you have children?
I am a first born at home; I was born at a place called Sharpeville, South of Joburg were Sharpeville Massacre took place at which was in 1960 March 21. From my father’s side we are 3 children, boys only. I was raised by my uncle’s mother but now I stay with my grandmother and my cousin we both depend on granny’s pension grant. My father doesn’t work and my mother works as a cashier at ShopRite and her husband does not work, she has to support her husband and my two young brothers. Am not married am still at school and I don’t have a child.

4. What do you like to do in your spare time?
On my spare time I like to do reading and listening to music that deserved to be heard, I also like to help my grandmother with everything she needs in terms of using my hands to help her.

5. How will Kiva loan change your life? Describe how the loan will affect your studies and your lifestyle: will there be significant changes?
Kiva will change my life because I will put more effort on my studies, knowing that I have to be paying the loan back, so they can help another person and because I will be receiving a monthly stipend, I will be able to use that money for transport fees, so that I am not falling behind with school work.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details