A loan helped to buy more animals and feed for them.

Diana Iris's story

Diana Iris is forty-three, married with two children under her care. She lives in a rural area in the Oyotún district, in Chiclayo province, in the Lambayeque region, on Peru's northern coast. The residents of this district mostly work in farming, raising livestock and commercial business.

Diana raises and sells small poultry animals such as chickens, hens and ducks, among others. Her business is located in her home. She has ten years of experience in the business, and has very good personal and professional references in the area. The loan she is requesting will be used to buy more animals such as hens, ducks, turkeys, and chickens, among others, and to buy good quality feed for them. Diana Iris hopes to offer a better product to her customers, which will let her generate more income and ultimately improve her and her family's quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Diane Stockwell.

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