A loan helped to buy an assortment of beer, rum and brandy.

Julio Cesar's story

Julio is a 68-year-old lone wolf who makes a living with his bar business, which is really considered a pub since it offers food and drinks but is very focused on the older adult population. He has had his business since 2009, when he decided to follow his own path and leave his job in order to manage his own time and have something secure to support him in his old age.

Julio's dream is very humble: he asks life only for his health, for a long time to keep working and supporting himself. If he could ask for anything else it would be support from all of you, the Kiva community, so that Julio will be able to buy an assortment of beer, brandy and rum, which are the drinks he sells the most at his business, and also to buy French fries, which he serves as snacks.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Tricia Perry.

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