A loan helped to pay for silk, dyeing and loom preparation.

Sreynoeun's story

Sreynoeun is from Banteay Chmar, a village in the north-west of Cambodia. She is 21 years old and lives in a wooden pile house with her parents, one brother and three sisters. Her family owns four hectares of rice fields, a hectare of cassava and two pigs. In May 2014 she was trained by Soieries du Mékong, a social enterprise which fights against rural exodus and for the empowerment of women by training them and offering them sustainable work in the village. Sreynoeun now makes scarves which are sold in Cambodia and Europe. She uses her weaving income to pay for her own expenses and to help her mother pay for fertilizer for the fields. Thanks to the loan, she will be able to buy silk and pay for dyeing and preparation of the loom. Please support her so she can keep making beautiful traditional hand woven scarves!

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