A loan helped a member buy fertilizer and herbicide, and pay for plowing.

Kankelentigui 3 Group's story

The ten members of the Kankelentigui 3 group are married women who on average are 45 years old with five children. Most live in traditional households in Dembela, part of the circle of Sikasso, the third administrative region of Mali.

They collaborate with the Soro Yiriwaso micro-finance institution in carrying out their agricultural activities during the rainy season. This is their eighth seasonal loan with the Soro Yiriwaso micro-finance institution, and previous loans have been fully repaid.

The selected crop is maize featuring Mrs. Aminata Salif, who is standing in second position from left to right in the photo. She intends to use her loan to buy three bags of urea, two 50-kilo bags of compound fertilizer, one container of herbicide, and pay for plowing to cultivate 1.5 hectares (3.71 acres).

After the harvest the production is sold in the village and in Niena, to a clientele composed of men and women, for cash and on credit.

She hopes to attain average profits of 185,000 CFA francs per crop season. These profits will enable her to pay off her loan and also help her husband deal with daily expenses.

In this group: Fatoumata Daou , Aminata Salif , Aminata Abdou , Alimata, Awa , Rokia Yafela , Fanta , Minata , Mariam , Mah

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer René McConnell.

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