A loan helped a member buy wool.

Cristalina Group's story

The Cristalina Community Bank is beginning its first loan cycle with Pro Mujer, part of the Santiago II main office. There are nine members in the group which is led by a Board of Directors with Sra. Maruja as president. The members have a range of businesses through which they earn their living: selling blankets, selling fruit, selling jackets, selling educational games, and selling sportswear.

The loan will benefit small businesswomen such as Maruja. She became a member of Pro Mujer at the invitation of her sister-in-law who was already a member. Currently she runs a business selling blankets. Her mother-in-law taught her how to do this several years ago. Maruja plans to use the money to buy wool in bulk which she will get from wholesalers in the town of El Alto. Then after making the blankets she will sell them from her stall. This work enables her to support her family; she has a husband and four children.

When Maruja is asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she says that she enjoys the training they provide.

The extra person in the photo is the wife of Sr. Rodolfo Panuñi. She is wearing an orange vest.

In this group: Maruja, Francisca, Jhaneth Veronica, Jhovana, Rodolfo, Mery, Madai Dafne, Tania, Veronica Nancy

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

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