A loan helped to rent farm equipment, purchase petrol for farm equipment, and hire farm staff during harvest time.

Hpa Yar Ka Lay Village's story

The Featured Borrower, Tin is 55 years old, married, and supports a family of five (three children). Two of the sons, one is in 10th grade and the other in engineer college GTI (Government Technological Institute). The education cost is very expensive in Myanmar such as tuition fee, renting rooms and so on. Tin, has five acre crop farm in the Delta region of Myanmar, and like many farmers in this area, savings are low before the harvest season. The loan will help him purchase the necessary farming inputs such as fertilizers and gas for farm equipments. These inputs are vital for his crop farming to increase yield. As farming has been done through generations, its in Tin's blood. In order to earn extra money, he is planning to expand his grocery shop from the income at the farm.

The fund will help 22 members and supervised by CBO Leaders of the Hpa Yar Ka Lay Village. Pictured above are Tin, Myint, Htay, Hla and Oo.

The group will purchase farming essentials such as seeds, fertilizers and gas for farming machines before harvest time. Hpa Yar Ka Lay Village mainly focuses on crop farming, as well as other seasonal plantation such as betel trees, banana trees and coconut trees, for additional income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details