A loan helped a member to buy Guanacaste wood, nails, glue and sandpaper.

Los Jovenes Group's story

The “Los jóvenes” (the young ones) group is made up of 2 men and a woman who are entrepreneurial and have a great desire to make progress. They are asking for a loan for the fifth time, to develop their small businesses through which they have moved forward and grown economically.

Denis, the group's coordinator, is 25 years old and has a carpentry workshop which he inherited from his father. He has supported himself for 4 years with this business. He will use the loan to buy Guanacaste wood, nails, glue and sandpaper. All of these materials are essential to his business so he can offer products of an excellent quality. By doing this he will increase his clientele and his orders.

Fabiola, one of the other members, is 23 and sells clothing and footwear. She sells her merchandise as a street vendor in her community. Huberne is 29 and sells new and used clothing as a street vendor. He will invest in bundles of clothing for adults and children as well as buying new trousers.

In this group: Denis Alfonso, Huberne Antonio, Fabiola De Los Angeles

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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