A loan helped to buy plants, organic fertilizer, organic supplies, and to pay the workers.

Jose Andres's story

José Andrés, age 39, grows organic coffee that he sells through COCAFCAL [a coffee cooperative]. José Andrés is married to Sandra, and they have four children who are completely dependent upon him. José Andrés dreams of giving his children the best that he can, and he wants all of them to have an education.

José Andrés has been growing coffee for ten years, and it has become the foundation of his finances. “Coffee is the best that we can have in this area,” he says. Last year José Andrés lost one hectare of his coffee farm due to an attack of the ‘roya’ fungus. He wants to replant that land to begin the production again as soon as possible because it is his only source of income.

José Andrés is now requesting a loan in order to be able to cover the expenses of replanting the land that was affected by the roya. He will use the loan to buy plants, organic fertilizer, organic supplies, and to pay the workers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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