A loan helped a member to buy material, thread, stretcher frames and other items to be able to continue with the making of her crafts.

Virgen Del Rosario Group's story

The committee is made up of 20 women inspired by a better and good quality of life. They all earn a living making crafts, they are very hardworking women who strive hard for their families.

One of the members is Sonia, who is happy to belong to the committee. She is a very entrepreneurial woman who makes all kinds of crafts for sale. She wishes to keep improving to be able to give her loved ones everything that she was not able to have. She is asking for this loan to be able to buy material, thread, stretcher frames and other items to be able to continue with the making of her crafts. She is grateful for the opportunity that she is receiving to be able to improve and better herself each day.

In this group: Aparicia, Sixta, Cristina, Sara, Teresa, Candida, Zenaida, Andrea, Olga, Maria, Leonilda, Aquilina, Lourdes, Estanislaa, Sonia, Maria, Monica, Blanca, Dominga, Veronica

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Katharine Urwin.

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