A loan helped to buy a special sewing machine (Kober brand).

Laura Segura's story

Laura Segura B. is 39 years old and lives near a small, rural, mountain community in Costa Rica called San Cristóbal Norte. In her town the people work in such activities as coffee production, vegetable farming, commerce, and the production of crafts. Laura has been married for 20 years and has three children: Adriana, who is 19, Karen, who is 17, and Kevin, who is 14. All three are students. When they got married, her husband was a farmer and she worked in the home.

They hoped to improve their living conditions, so they looked for alternatives. Fifteen years ago they started a business making clothes. At first they didn’t know anything about the business, so they experimented bit by bit. Now, Laura makes different types of clothing and sells it to businesses in the community and nearby towns, with the help of her husband. The business has greatly improved her family’s living conditions. Her greatest satisfaction is the fact that all of their children are able to study.

Laura is part of the Empresa de Crédito Comunal de San Cristóbal Norte (SACRIN) (Communal Credit Enterprise of San Cristóbal Norte), one of the 100 EDESA partner organizations in Costa Rica. As a member, she has received a total of 10 micro loans, which have allowed her to grow as an entrepreneur and to provide for her household’s needs. All of this has allowed her to improve her self-esteem, as she has gone from being a homemaker to a business owner.

Laura is currently requesting a loan of $1,200.00 to buy a special sewing machine (Kober brand). This sewing machine will allow her to make hems in blouses, t-shirts, and other clothing items. With this investment, she hopes to increase her production and improve the quality of her products. Laura says that thanks to this loan, she will be able to offer better options to her customers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jennifer Day.

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