A loan helped a member to buy young fish.

Noong Luong 24 Group's story

Mrs. Ngoc is a 28-year-old Thai ethnic lady who is married and lives with her husband and two small sons. She works very hard at agricultural production to provide for the family. Besides cultivating rice, she grows corn, raises goats, chickens and ducks to earn income. Because of the instability of the earnings from agriculture activities, she has expanded and diversified cultivation and animal husbandry.

To deal with the lack of capital for investment, she has taken out a loan from the Anh Chi Em Program. This is the fifth time she has received a loan from the Program and she will use it to buy young fish. She hopes that her investment will go smoothly, so that she could better cover living expenses for her family.

Mrs. Ngoc dreams of a more abundant life for her family and a bright future for her children. In the picture, she is the woman who wears a pink shirt and stand on the first line, first from the right.

In this group: Dung, Thi, Dung, Ngoc, Thoai, Hac, Nhung, Thong, Tinh, Tuoi, Duong, Tien

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