A loan helped to buy bacon, flour, corn, beans, vegetable oil, and cheese.

Heydi Azucena's story

Heydi is 27 years old and owns a house where she lives with her husband and three children. She works hard to pay for their studies. Four years ago, she realized she needed to start selling pupusas [thick corn tortillas] to help her husband with the home expenses. Her business is small, and she works every day. She has many customers because of her good prices and because her pupusas are delicious.

Heydi is lacking some resources she needs to better serve her customers. This is why she is requesting a loan from FUSAI to buy bacon, flour, corn, beans, vegetable oil and cheese to expand her business, contribute more to the family’s economy, and improve her and her family’s living conditions.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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