A loan helped to cover university tuition expenses.

Starlyn Ernesto's story

Starlyn Ernesto is a young student of Advertising. He is requesting a loan to cover tuition expenses.

This is his story: My name is Starlyn and I am 18 years old. I live in Santa Domingo with my parents and two brothers. I study Advertising in APEC University, where the best programs in the field are offered. I am in my second four-month period and really enjoy what it covers. My favorite classes are Drawing, Photography and Math. I need the loan because my financial situation does not allow me to cover tuition at the appropriate pace and I do not wish to withdraw. My parents are tight on money and this loan would be a relief for everyone. It would radically change the situation and I would take on the commitment involved with responsibility. It would be very difficult to continue without this loan. I would like to graduate with honors, to have a family with its needs covered, and to promote projects to help other people that want to study but do not have the means.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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