A loan helped a member to buy local currency.

Jérémie Group's story

Isab is a businesswoman and has been owner of a currency exchange office located on a city roundabout for 11 years. She is member of the Jeremie loan group, a client of IMF Hekima. Isab is married, 45-years old, and mother of 8 children who all attend school. She started her business with funds received from her husband. Her spouse is a driver of heavyweight vehicles. Isab will buy local currency. She wishes to grow her business revenues, send her children to school and to feed them. To conclude, she thanks Hekima for their support of women not served by traditional banks.

In this group: Nyabulohwe, Amisi, Kafibango, Mudumbi, Feza, Isab, Georgette

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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