A loan helped a member to buy paddy and soybean seeds.

Jaya Usaha Baluk Group's story

Managing two types of businesses, farms and pigs, has proven to provide more income for the families, particularly for Ni Nengah. She planted soybeans in an area of 60 acres. She also maintains four pigs. Gains on the sale of soybeans and pigs were used for working capital and savings. Ni Nengah is very grateful for the results she got. All members of the Jaya Usaha Baluk group also received satisfactory results, and they agreed to continue borrowing to increase the businesses.

Ni Nengah will use the loan to buy paddy and soybean seeds. Now she and her husband cultivate paddy as a new business. She hopes that all her efforts run well and bring prosperity for the entire family. One member of the group could not attend due to illness.

In this group: Ni Nengah, Ni Made, Ni Ketut, Ni Luh, Ni Ketut, Ni Kadek, Ni Ketut, Ni Wayan, Ni Ketut, Ni Ketut

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