A loan helped to buy materials to make children's hats to sell.

Veronica Blanca's story

Veronica is 29 years old. She lives with her partner and her two children, ages 4 and 13. Her business is making and selling knitted goods. She is a good mother and independent, active, consistent, enterprising, responsible and hard working. She works at the "16 de julio" market and in the "Ceja" area known for its informal commerce and production where small business owners of all sectors display their products to the public. It is a cold, dry climate with an average day-time temperature of between 2 and 14 degrees Celsius.

Veronica has a dark complexion, brown eyes, is short in stature, and wears her long black hair tied back. Her mother tongue is Aymara which she speaks with the family but she speaks Spanish for general purposes and through her trade. She lives with her partner who is a merchant and her children. The edlest is in school and the youngest is too young to go to school. They live in a house belonging to her father-in-law, built of brick and cement with a corrugated iron roof. The home has running water, electricity and a sewage system.

Her business is knitting wool hats for children. She buys all kinds of yarn, in different colors, etc., to make different styles and sizes. She has a workshop set up at home and then she and her partner go out to conduct sales at different markets in the commercial areas of the city. "The constant cold weather makes the business popular among everyone with children..." she says. The advantage of the business is that the products are in high demand and sell easily. The disadvantage is that she does not have a fixed sales point.

Her goal is to sell wholesale, so she wants to buy a greater quantity of materials such as yarn, fabric, buttons, thread, etc. to have a supply on hand. This is her first loan in the 13 years she has been in business. Veronica is requesting the loan to buy materials to make children's hat and sell them wholesale.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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