A loan helped rent farm equipment, buy petrol & hire laborers.

Nyaung Wine Village's story

Pictured above are the CBO members from Nyaung Wine Village, named Thein, Myint, Than, Soe and Kyaw. The featured borrower, Thein, has a 21-acre crop farm in the Delta region of Myanmar, and like many farmers in this area, his income is very low before harvest season. This loan will help him buy the farming resources he needs to harvest his crops and to pay for labor.

Thein is 57 years old, married, and supports a family of seven (five children). Thein and his family hope that the child left in his family, who is also a student, can go to university after he finished high school. Furthermore, he and his family hope to eventually be able to save enough money to expand his farming business by buying more paddy fields.

The fund will help 31 borrowers in the village. The CBO leaders oversee this group, and they will purchase farming essentials and labor needed for harvest time with this loan. Nyaung Win Village’s main focus is crop farming (rice), as well as other seasonal foods. They also raise livestock such as ducks and pigs for additional income.

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