A loan helped a member to purchase fish.

Manguiline Santhiaba Group's story

The Manguiline Santhiaba Group banc villageois was founded on February 21, 2001. This group includes six women who are active in business and support one another in solidarity. They always repay their loans on time.

Mrs. Fatou Déme, who is at right raising her hand in the photo, is the group's representative. She is married, 37 years old, and the mother of five children, two boys and three girls. Mrs. Fatou Déme has been selling fish for more than five years. Her business is very strong, despite the competition. The profits [from this loan] will help care for her children (clothing, food, and health).

In this group: Ndeye Fatou, Agnes, Fatou Deme, Fatou Sane, Mariama, Aissatou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Jessalyn Pinneo Randelman.

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