A loan helped a member to buy a water pump.

Junta De Saneamiento De Pireca Group's story

The Pireca Sanitation Board was established in the city of Villarrica. There are three members that form the commission: Sr. Anacleto is the president, Sr. Alfonso is the vice-president, and Sr. Basilio is the treasurer.

The board was started in 2002 with 200 users who are provided a vital service, which is access to water. The board members want to keep making improvements so that they can reach more users.

They are requesting this loan so that they can purchase a new water pump. This will allow them to continue providing good service to their community.

In this group: Basilio, Alfonzo, Anacleto

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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