A loan helped to buy a few sheep and some seed potatoes in order to invest in her business and boost her income.

Santalatkhon's story

Santalatkhon is 44 years old, single, and she has a daughter who is a student. She has a specialized secondary education and she works as a nurse at a center for family medicine. In order to provide an additional source of income for her family, she is involved in animal husbandry and agriculture, having started in this field 24 years ago. Thanks to her very hard work, she currently has one cow and nine sheep on her farm. She also has 0.08 hectare of land on which she cultivates potatoes annually. Santalatkhon makes a monthly income of 6,000 som (KGS) from her business, which is vastly insufficient for a decent life and to provide for her family.

Eager to further grow her business, Santalatkhon has turned to Bai Tushum Bank CJSC and requested a loan of 35,000 som (KGS) to buy a few sheep. With the rest of the money she will also buy seed potatoes. Santalatkhon is planning to reinvest the earnings from her loan into further increasing her number of domestic animals. She also intends to build a barn for her livestock.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

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