A loan helped to pay for required courses and therefore obtain her degree.

Ana Belkys's story

Studious, dedicated, and innovative, Ana is a young woman who is 22 years old and is passionate about chemistry and drug composition. She is currently in the last year of her chemistry and pharmacy major. She is also interested in showing solidarity with people in need, and that is why she is working in a food and medication dispensary for a community. Her parents are her primary inspiration to get ahead and become a great professional.

Ana is a step away from graduating, but before doing so she needs to take some courses required to complete her degree. It is for that reason that she has requested a loan from Kiva with MiCrédito to pay for said courses and obtain her degree and enter the working world. In the future, she plans on starting her own pharmacy, in addition to collaborating in health days for low-income children. At the same time, she wants to continue studying.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maggie Reniers.

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