Claudia is 30 years old. She began to work at different jobs beginning at the age of 2. She currently has a grocery store a relative gave her so she could work to generate income to pay for household expenses. The business is open daily from 7am to 8pm and has performed well despite the competition in the sector, generating enough income to survive.
The loan she is seeking through Kiva partner Interact Corporation is intended to buy a wholesale assortment of "mecato" (snacks, potato chips, pork rinds, pastries and other packaged potato and plantain products), milk, biscuits, cereal, etc., as well as to implement location and expansion improvements. This will allow her to offer a better variety of products to meet the immediate needs of her customers, increasing sales and revenue received for her work.
Claudia's spirit of perseverance and desire to succeed for her family drives her to keep fighting and move forward to fulfill the dream of purchasing a home, where she can enjoy a better quality of life with her family and provide a good education for her children.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.