A loan helped to purchase materials for her handicraft business.

Ajrije's story

Ajrije is very thankful to the Kiva lenders for the previous loan she was given, which she used to purchase food for the cow and calf. She is still selling the milk in her village and has been very satisfied with the loan results and the process.

Now she is asking for a second loan, this time to purchase materials for her handicraft business. She had been making handicrafts as a way to increase her income, but up until now, she had been only completing orders and favors for her family. With the feedback she has gotten from everyone, she is confident she can sell her work in the community and make a profit. With the upcoming summer and spring seasons, she knows it is her chance to be busy and find customers.

She works very hard to provide for her family and wants to thank the lenders for their continued support.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details