A loan helped a member to buy shea nuts for processing.

Suglo Nbori Buni-Bagurugu Group's story

Fuseina is a 40 year-old hard working woman from Bagurugu, in the Northern region of Ghana. Fuseina is married and has 4 children. Fuseina is the individual pictured with her hand raised sitting in front.

Fuseina is a member of a shea butter processing group that has been in business for the last 7 years. The name of the group is ‘Suglo Nbori Buni-Bagurugu'. Fuseina earns a good profit from the business as the group has been trained by Grameen Ghana on how to improve their shea butter processing business such that they can always produce premium quality for the local market and for export market.

Fuseina and ‘Suglo Nbori Buni-Bagurugu’ have asked for a loan of GHS 13,200. Fuseina’s share of the loan is GHS 500 which would be used to buy shea nuts for processing. Fuseina aspires to earn more income, expand her business as well as to repay this loan and support her children’s food and school fees.

Fuseina thanks Kiva lenders for their support.

In this group: Fatima, Mayama, Fuseina, Arishetu, Afilua, Fuseina, Adisah, Sanatu, Amuhera, Zenabu, Ayi, Meli, Amina, Abiba, Azara, Mariama, Dambla, Sanatu, Safura, Azaratu

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