A loan helped to buy a variety of alcoholic drinks and a blender to make natural juices.

Dorbeiro's story

Dorbeiro is a 21 year old youth, single, his only responsibility is to study and support his family unconditionally. He divides his day in two as for part he is a student, and he has a coffee bar business. He dreams of graduating and being a professional improving his income and the quality of living of his family. It is worthwhile to support this young man who is making a physical sacrifice but he says any sacrifice is acceptable and feels very happy as he can see the results. His combined routine as a student and worker is more than 14 hours a day. You can support this youth who needs to buy an assortment of alcoholic beverages and buy a blender to start selling natural juices and a variety of fruits.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

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