A loan helped to make improvements to and buy supplies for his pub business.

Libardo Alonso's story

Libardo is a hard-working and enterprising man. He long wanted to find a business that would allow him to both work for himself and generate a good income. He found a perfect fit last year, opening a pub, billiards and games business in Yarumal. The business has proven popular and has become something of a meeting place for locals.
Libado has shown himself to be a good manager and the pub has become a success in a very short time. He is applying for a loan now, part of which he will use to improve the space where he keeps billiard tables. He wants to make the space more attractive and more comfortable for his customers. He will use the rest of the loan to stock his business with beer, liquor and snacks for resale.
For the future, Libado hopes to hire employees for the business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jere Wiseman.

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