A loan helped to purchase an overlock sewing machine.

Lelys Del Carmen's story

Lelys is a 40-year-old woman who has a dressmaking business, where she provides employment to two people. She is the mother of a small child who is 6 years old. She started the dressmaking business years ago; a friend guided her and taught her everything about the business.

Since she started her business, Lelys has followed some methods in order to thrive. Her principal idea is for it to be an employment-generating company. She always aims toward this, as well as having business sustainability, being competitive, and characterizing it to be a business where the production and delivery times are optimal.

Considering the last item, Lelys wants to optimize her production times. This is why she is thinking of purchasing an overlock sewing machine, but she does not have the capital. Therefore, she is requesting a loan to purchase the overlock sewing machine, with the hope that this machine will be the start of a new business that will generate a job.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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