A loan helped to buy phone accessories.

Joseph's story

Joseph is a male Ugandan aged 41 years. He is married with 6 children between 15 and 5 years of age. Four of his children attend school. He has struggled to get where he is. He attributes his success to UGAFODE having supported him. He started small but with a continuous financial boost he has graduated to a trading center.

Joseph is a businessman who deals in phone accessories at a street in town. He also does agriculture to supplement the income from the business since it is meager and his family is big.

Joseph is applying for a loan of UGX 4,500,000 to buy phone accessories to add to his stock to get better returns.

Joseph's dream for the future is to expand his business and to educate all his children up to university level.

Joseph describes himself as a hardworking and honest person in business and society as a whole. He appreciates the support from Kiva lenders and prays to God to bless them.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details