A loan helped to purchase materials to increase her tailoring business.

Nazia's story

Nazia is a 40 years old woman, and she lives in Rawalpindi, Pakistan with her five children. Her husband has been working in public sector organization for many years, he is responsible to fulfill the needs of family. Nazia is also providing sewing services and earn the income to contribute with her husband to manage the house hold.

She needs different kinds of goods like needles, threads, pieces of clothes, machine oil and other materials for her business purposes, but due to insufficient financial means she is unable to purchase these accessories. Therefore, she has applied for a Kiva loan from its field partner BRAC Pakistan. This loan will enable her to purchase the above accessories and also be helpful for her in increasing monthly sales and profit by providing better sewing services.

Nazia is very thankful to Kiva and BRAC Pakistan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details