A loan helped to purchase a water tank.

Kanda's story

Meet Kanda, a lovely, hardworking, dark, 36-year-old woman from Kalenjin tribe. She hails from the hilly regions of Rift Valley region of Kenya where she practices maize farming and dairy farming majorly. This location is so remote that there is no piped water system. This forces the constituents, mostly farmers, to go downstream to fetch water. In Kanda's case, she also has to lead her stock down the stream to hydrate. This task becomes taxing over time.

Kanda wants to make her work easier. She is seeking a loan to purchase a water tank. The tank will be installed in the homestead where users can access it conveniently. This will also ensure that farm animals have a constant supply of water for consumption as opposed to timed consumption.

With your support, the water tank will beat a way for future opportunities and improvements in the farmland, such as introduction of irrigation, rain water harvesting, etc.

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