A loan helped to buy ripe bananas for making local brew.

Isareri's story

Isareri lives in Nyakanyoga, Kitagwenda in Kamwenge distict. He is 45 years old and married, with seven children who are all in school. Isareri will be accessing a second funding with Kiva this cycle. He appreciates the previous support because with it his agricultural land increased. Isareri deals in agricultural produce as his main source of income. He supports this with alcohol brewing where he earns income to provide for his family and also send his children to good schools. He has applied for a loan of 3,000,000 UGX to help him buy more stock and raw materials to use in alcohol brewing. He will use the rest of the money to pay school fees for his children. His major challenge is inadequate capital to invest in his business. Isareri is a very honest and hard working man.

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