A loan helped a member to buy seeds and compost.

Oñondivepa Group's story

The committee named “Oñondivepa” is a long-time group that is unified. The group has 17 members who are participating in their sixth loan cycle. They all have an enterprising spirit and the drive to succeed.

The members believe that getting ahead is a motivating challenge, so they must put in the effort to make progress. All of these women live in rural areas and work by cultivating the land and raising animals as the conditions allow. One of the women in this group is Sra. Cantalicia. She cultivates all types of products and then sells them in different neighborhoods around her house. Cantalicia is a determined and enterprising woman who wants to provide her loved ones with everything that she was not able to have.

She is requesting a loan in order to buy seeds and compost, which will allow her to continue growing all types of agricultural products. Cantalicia is grateful for the opportunity she has received so that she can improve each day.

In this group: Cantalicia, Maria, Ramona, Aureliana, Alejandra, Ubaldina, Saturnina, Ignacia, Norma, María, Antonia, Ciria, Zulma, Cristina, Juana, Marcelina, Sunilda

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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