A loan helped to buy manure and fertlizers to maintain his cultivated land.

Avelino's story

Avelino is 62 years old. He lives in his own home built of rustic materials, together with his wife, in the distruct of Pucará which is situated in the province of Cutervo, in the region of Cajamarca in Peru's sierra norte. The community where he lives is a small rural area where the inhabitants mainly work in agriculture and the rearing of animals.

Avelino works in agriculture, especially growing the catimore variety of coffee. He has experience in this sector and very good personal and working references in the local area. He will use the loan to buy manure and fertlizers to maintain the cultivated land. This investment will give him profits to improve his economic situation and thus invest in better living conditions for his family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Katharine Urwin.

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