A loan helped to buy waragi (local gin) for resale.

Paul's story

Paul is a Ugandan man, aged 40 years, and is married to Patricia, with whom they have four children, ages 17, 15, 13, and nine years old. All of them attend school.

Paul is a businessman who deals in the sale of waragi (local gin), but he also rides boda boda (a passenger bike) to earn extra income.

He has applied for a loan of 3,000,000 UGX to buy waragi for resale to his low income customers. The product has a market since most of the residents cannot afford expensive beer. He anticipates that his profits will be very high since he is buying in bulk using the loan funds.

His dream for the future is to expand his business and acquire more land for farming.

He describes himself as a hardworking person and honest in business. He thanks the Kiva lenders for the financial support.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details