A loan helped to buy farming supplies and livestock.

Luis Manuel's story

Luis, 26, has a high school education and he has been working as a farmer for the past six years. He is married and his wife has worked as a teacher in an educational center for the past eleven years. He only has one child, who attends school.

Since Luis was young, he has worked with his father, growing vegetables such as tamales and green chilies. Then when he was twenty years old he started to work on his own crops. Now he grows a hectare of corn as well as raising livestock. He buys cattle to raise for a certain period of time to later sell.

The money from the loan will be used to buy farming supplies and livestock, to breed and later sell.

Luis' dream is to be able to work with his crops and to fatten his livestock to increase his income and to give his son the opportunity to finish school.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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