A loan helped to hire workers for organizing cultivation works,and also to purchase seeds (tomato, watermelon, eggplant and pepper) and fertilizer.

Anzhela's story

Anzhela is from Artashat town where she lives with her son.

She is involved in livestock keeping and in land cultivation. Anzhela currently keeps five cows and twenty hens and cultivates tomato, pepper, eggplant, and watermelon. To be able to improve her farming business, Anzhela ask lenders to support her with this loan. She needs that to purchase seeds (tomato, watermelon, eggplant and pepper) and fertilizer and to hire workers for organizing cultivation works.

She has already taken a loan from a local financial institution before, but unfortunately wasn't able to pay it back. However, thanks to the hard work during the recent times, Anzhela was able to run her agribusiness in a sustainable way, ensuring that she will be able to cover the monthly payments. So, she has now been approved for a loan within the framework of a new joint initiative between Kiva and SEF international. The second-chance loan program provides loans to people who have a bad credit history and have no access to credit products.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details