A loan helped to buy construction materials for expanding the drug shop.

Najuma's story

Najuma is a 29-year-old mother of one, aged three years, from Kambuzi, Kigoma, Bushenyi district. She is a drug shop operator who works 12 hours a day. She started this business on July 15, 2013 to generate an income and treat the local population which was in need in her area. She was referred to UGAFODE by one of the institution’s clients and so this is her first loan from UGAFODE.

She has applied for a loan of UGX 5,000,000 to purchase construction materials for her building which is under construction, where she will transform the drug shop to enlarge it into a bigger clinic. She hopes to have a good and standard medical facility around the Kambuzi area to treat the sick who are mostly her clients. She faces the challenge of most clients coming to buy drugs and not having enough money plus poor government policies that are ever against the operation of a drug shop. Also, without forgetting the lack of enough income to buy in bulk which would give her leverage on price thus availing herself of cheaper drugs for the local population. She describes herself as an honest lady and thanks UGAFODE as a whole very much for the support rendered to her in the business.

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