A loan helped to buy school supplies to replenish her stock so that she’ll have all the necessary materials for the children when classes start.

Lucia's story

Lucia is a 29 year old woman. She lives with her partner and has an 11 year old son. She has a business selling bookstore items.

She is a good mother. She’s independent, enterprising, patient, a good listener, supportive, responsible and hard-working. She works in the “Villa Mercedes” area. This is a centrally located area, connected to various parts of the city by public transportation. From here, public transportation to far reaching parts of the city can be found. The climate is cold and dry, with a temperature that during the day between 4-12 degrees centigrade year-round. It is 3800 meters above sea level.

Lucia is short, with dark complexion and long black hair tied in a pony tail. Her native tongue is Aymara, which she speaks with her family. She speaks Spanish in the community and in her business.

She shares her life with her partner who works, and with her son, who studies. They live in her father’s house. It is built of brick and has a sheet metal roof. It has drinking water, a sewage system, gas and electricity. It is located in front of a school. That is why she started a business selling bookstore items such as pencils, pens, notebooks, sheets of blank paper, colored paper, rulers, markers, etc. She does this Monday through Saturday. She spends Sundays with her family, going on outings and cleaning house.

Her bookstore items sell steadily since the school provides a constant stream of customers. Her sales decrease during vacation, and she uses that time to take inventory and restock missing materials.

“I started my business because my house is in front of a school, and I have been doing it for six months. My customers make requests according to their needs and nearly all the merchandise sells regularly…” she says.

Her dream is to have a large well-established bookstore. She would like to replenish her stock with school supplies such as books, textbooks, storybooks, notebooks and other materials, in order to begin the school year offering all the necessary supplies.

This is the first loan cycle with the institution in the 6 months that she has been engaged in this business. It is for this reason that Lucia is seeking a loan to buy school supplies to replenish her stock so that she’ll have all the necessary materials for the children when classes start.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher.

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