A loan helped a member to buy high quality rice seed.

Norn's Group's story

Residing in the district of Prey Chhor in the Kampong Cham province, Norn is 54 years old and married. She has eight children, and one of them is still in her care. For 36 years, she and her husband have been farming rice for a living. Sometimes to earn a little more, she is also a paid worker who helps other villagers harvest their crops.

Having been a member of VisionFund (Kiva’s partner) for four cycles, Nan is a leader of a group. Her group contains seven members, and they are applying for a 12,500,000 KHR loan. Her plan for her portion is to buy high quality rice seed for her farmland. She believes that it will produce a higher yield, and then she can use the profit to buy a water pump to further enrich her farm.

In this group: Norn, Mom, Sokhuon, Lim, Savet, Heng, Brong

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