Modesta is 42 years old. She has three children under her care who are 14, 16, and 10 years of age, all of whom are in school. She is originally from Managua, a place located in the central zone of the country. She can be characterized as being hardworking, responsible, with an attitude toward personal improvement.
Unfortunately she was not able to go to school and had to work from a young age from necessity in order to help with expenses in the home. Now she struggles day to day to provide her children with a better quality of life, as her dream is to see them become professionals.
Thanks to her desire to get ahead, as an economic activity she works in the sale of beef and cow in a specific part of a local market. She has spent 25 years in this business, which she started by her own initiative and the need to have a means of subsistence for her children. The aim of the loan is to invest it in her products and buy a variety of meats to satisfy demand from her customers. Modesta appreciates the help that the investors of Kiva provide to people with few resources and poor countries like Nicaragua to have a means of respectable work.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Verna Krishnamurthy. View original language description.