A loan helped to purchase potato seeds and fertilizers to grow organic vegetables and save for the construction of a hothouse.

Gulnoza's story

Gulnoza is 27 years old, married, and has three children. As a main source of income, Gulnoza has been raising livestock and growing produce since 2012, having launched this business with the starting amount of 5,000 KGS. Thanks to Gunoza’s hard work, she now has a land plot of 0.43 ha [1 acre], where she grows corn and potatoes. In order to develop her business further, Gulnoza has applied to the Bai Tushum microfinance institution for a loan in the amount of 30,000 KGS to buy potato seeds and fertilizers. She plans to invest the revenues from her loan to buy a greenhouse, in order to be able to grow environmentally clean vegetables.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

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