A loan helped to repair the roofing of her family house, as they live in the coldest region of the country where the snow and the cold damages the roofs of villagers very often.

Natasha's story

Natasha is seeking your financial help to repair the roofing of her family house. Kindly note that she lives in the coldest region of Albania with lots of snow and rain. Due to the climate factors, house roofs destroy easily and fast as well. With about 10 percent of the loan, she will buy a cheap couch type of thing.

Natasha does agriculture/livestock, and she does not sell any of her products, whether dairy or fresh produce. All in all, she owns about 18 dynyms of agricultural land where she plants wheat in 8 dynym and gives the wheat to the bread factory in return for the bread she needs for the year. In 7 dynym, she plants rye, and in the other two, she plants beets. Both of these go for food for her animals that she has, in total 10 goats and six sheep. The cheese she makes from the animals is for family use.

In addition to this, she makes about $200/month retirement pension. Her husband receives a pension as well of about $144/month in addition to other pay as a night man in a nearby scrap-collecting yard.

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