A loan helped to start a website and publicity campaign for his spa and salon, employ more staff, and invest in new machinery to expand services.

Luis's story

Luis has always had ties to cosmetology. His mother raised him and his brother through her work in this field, and he recently decided to open his own business. At New Light Spa and Salon, he works with his mother and one other employee.

He credits his mother with shaping his strong work ethic and drive to address the needs of his clients quickly and thoroughly. Owning his own business has allowed him to not only support himself, but also has also allowed him to get closer to his mother and support his brother through college.

Originally from Venezuela, he has lived in the United States for roughly twenty-two years, and currently lives with his mother and brother.

With this loan, he will be able to launch a publicity campaign and develop a website. He will also invest in new machinery and hire more employees to expand the number of services available for customers. This will allow him to bring on more clients, improve opportunities for his family, and allow his brother to continue his college education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details