A loan helped to hire two workers.

Yulin's story

Yulin, a 51-year-old man, is divorced with one daughter and two aging parents. He has no offspring with his current girlfriend for her sterility. The family has long been bogged down in poverty. They live in a dilapidated house and cannot afford a remodel. As the breadwinner in the family, Yulin has been raising cows for a living for 13 years, with the help of his parents. However, as the parents have gotten older, the family has difficulty in managing its animal raising.

With a dream to help the his family live a better life Yulin hired two workers to help in raising the cows, and he also wants to raise some sheep and poultry to increase the family income. He hopes one day that his family could live in a bigger house and his parents could have a rest.

Yulin requested ¥15,000 from MircoCred. It is the fourth time he has requested money.

With the money, he has managed to use part of the money to hire two workers to help him expand the scale of his farming to gain more income. The rest of the money will be used to support his family.

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