A loan helped a member purchase of a piece of land.

Im's Group's story

The group of borrowers consists of four people. Its leader, Mrs. Im S., 44, makes a living selling various grocery products, such as cooking ingredients, plastic products, and sweets. She started the business six years ago, and currently earns approximately US$3 per day. Her husband is a motorcycle taxi driver. Mrs. Im S. has five children, one of whom is married, while the other four are still single and live with their parents. One of the daughters assists Mrs. Im S. at selling groceries. Currently, the family is suffering from pollution surrounding their house, which is harmful for their health. Therefore, Mrs. Im S. is requesting loan to purchase another piece of land.
The other three borrowers include Srey P., 36, who is a housewife and also needs a loan to buy a piece of land;
Chhea M., 31, who sells groceries and needs money to purchase an additional stock of groceries; and Som K., 26, who is widowed and earns a living selling groceries and needs a loan to expand her business. All of the borrowers live in Slor Kram Commune, Siem Reap Province.

In this group: Im, Srey, Chhea, Som

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details