A loan helped to repair the kitchen area in her home and pay to lease the land she cultivates.

María Del Carmen's story

María is 54 years old. She never had the chance to study. She met her partner at an early age and had two children with him. Her partner died, and she remarried and had two more children. Her youngest two are studying, and the eldest two now live in thir own homes as they are already married.

María looks after the home, but during the rainy season she makes a living in agriculture as a means of subsistence, an activity in which the whole family is involved

She is requesting a loan to repair the kitchen area of her home and pay to lease the land she cultivates. This will provide María with security, as the current kitchen is falling apart, and she will be able to secure the next plot of land she will grow crops on.

Her dream is to make improvements to her kitchen, and she also plans to extend the home and give her children the opportunity to study so that they can become professionals.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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