A loan helped to buy fruit seeds for planting.

Inobat's story

Inobat is an attentive woman. She was born in 1963, lives in a small town, and is married. For about 21 years, Inobat has had a business of buying and selling foods in the domestic market. She feeds her family with the constant trading. She also has land where she is farming and planting seeds. Her husband is a farmer and helps Inobat with planting.

They decided to enlarge their gardening activity. She wants to make a better standard of living. Inobat is planning to buy fruit seeds for planting. She needs to plant apricot, peach, and almond trees, etc. in her yard to gain more profit from her business. It is also important for the country to increase the level of productivity in the sphere of agriculture. Inobat is requesting financial support to buy seeds.

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